IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer #113

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This page consists the IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Band 7 with Examiner feedback which will help you understanding the tactic to solve the IELTS Writing Task 2 Questions.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays traffic in major cities is worsening. What problems does it create? How can we help solve these problems as individuals?

Include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience to back up your answer.

Write a minimum of 250 words.

Sample Band 7 Answer

Life in large urban areas is getting more and more complicated. Surging movements of vehicles in roads is often pushing an already stretched city system to a critical limit. This essay will discuss the problems caused by depressing traffic condition and put forward solutions for this aforementioned issue

The foremost complication caused by unmanaged transport system in cities is people will not be able to reach their destination on time. As because of increasing proportion of jams at different junctions of roads , they will have to waste their valuable time being stuck during rush hours. A case to illustrate this, a research conducted by Corporate forum association revealed that employees complained that approximately 3 out of 10 appointments were being missed due to the traffic issues. In addition, being stuck in traffic is an unpleasant experience, it makes people furious and this can ultimately have negative ramification in health of person.

Though, solving the chaotic scenario of traffic in big metropolitans by individual’s effort will be a herculean task, but still a viable panacea could be sharing the cars or bikes with colleague while traveling to and fro from office. This will to some extent play pivotal role in reducing the number of two wheelers and four wheelers in the road and as a consequence one will have to witness fewer jams. For instance carpooling and bike pooling are gaining popularity among college students and workers as it will not only lessen the traffic congestion but also save the expenditure in fuel in long run. In the same vein, another approach could be using public transport rather than own vehicle because buses and trains could accommodate large number of people in one sitting and thus will play imperative role in regulating traffic smoothly.

Hence, traffic congestion is one of the leading challenges we face today in conurbations, which leads to jams and indirectly affects the mental well being, but a possible solution from us could be minimizing the excessive use of private vehicle and opting for public transport service.


This is the answer is written by the real student who appeared on IELTS exam and got band 7 for this answer. now, let’s us look forward to the essay feedback given by the IELTS Examiner.

Examiner Feedback

TA – I’m glad you gave 2 problems not just one – but I had to search for it. Is the opening sentence in the introduction relevant? if you wrote this in the’s a good performance// CC – perhaps it’s the length of the essay that makes CC weak. But the deciding factor are the 2 faulty conjunctions. “As because of ” & using “though” and “but” in the same sentence // LR – “makes people furious” is not 9// G – did you proofread? Article errors have to weaken the band despite a range of fairly complex sentence patterns. There are also basic slips, including one with punctuation, which are probably due to carelessness/ rushing
So, I’d say:
//TA – 7
// CC – 6 (I’m being strict)
// LR – 8 (I;m being very strict)
//G – 7
//Overall = 7.0 (a strong 7,0).

Well, this are the essay sample for band 7. Mero IELTS consists other information too regarding IELTS Writing Task 1, IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Speaking. Below are the some links to the page which might be useful to a student.

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